Colorado Wing
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COWG O'Ride Plan

O-Ride Plan

This plan outlines the O-Rides by Group and includes best practice instructions for coordinator, pilots and cadets.

This plan permits each Group and Senior Squadron to adopt a methodology that works best for local cadet units.  Each Senior Squadron has a long history and tradition of providing O-Rides to nearby cadet units.

At its foundation, the plan expects cadet units to identify cadets and assist them with participating in an O-Ride.  Units fill the queue for O-Rides.  Units responsibilities include, but are not limited, to providing:

·        The cadets with times and locations of a nearby rally,

·        Detailed instructions about the location to meet at,

·        Confirming the cadet’s transportation to and from (If necessary, the unit will arrange COV transport),

·        Notifying the flying unit of cadet names and contact information.

Flying units establish and publish the rally dates to nearby cadet units, assign equipment & aircrew to conduct the flights and handle all WIMRS/FRO requirements.  Flying units contact the cadets to obtain flight release information and confirm times, location, etc.

Group 1:

Jeffco Senior Squadron schedules and conducts O-Rides rally on the third Saturday of each month.  The date is published to nearby cadet units.  Cadets wishing an O-Ride go to the airport on rally day.  Jeffco pre-assigns aircraft and crews, then assign each cadet to a flight. 

Thompson Valley Composite Squadron schedules and conducts O-Rides for cadets from the unit and for Greeley Composite Squadron similar to above.

Group 2:

Steamboat Springs Composite Squadron schedules and conducts O-Rides for cadets of the squadron.  The unit identifies cadets and arranges the times with them. 

Cortez Senior Squadron works with Mesa Verde Cadet Squadron to schedule and conduct a rally day.  Mesa Verde identifies the cadets in the queue.  Considerations include the number of cadets and availability of equipment & crews.

Group 3:

Group 3 schedules, announces and conducts O-Ride rallies.  In addition, each squadron has a coordinator that at assists filling the queue on rally days

For O-Rides other than a rally day, cadets use an on-line form to sign-up indicating their availability.  The O-Ride is scheduled, the pilot & aircraft assigned and the cadet is contacted with the time.

Group 4:

Each unit in Group 4 is assigned a rally Saturday.

·        First Saturday: Foothills (1-seat) & Mustang (3-seats)

·        Second Saturday: Douglas (2-seats), Dakota Ridge (2-seats) & Highlander (3-seats)

·        Third Saturday:  Valkyrie (4-seats)

·        Fourth Saturday:  Parker (3-seats) & Mile High (2-seats)

O-Ride Best Practices – Colorado Wing

1.      Squadron Coordinators - The best choice for Squadron Coordinator is the unit Aerospace Education Officer (AEO), according to CAPP 216 Cadet Programs Officer's Handbook.  Please make sure your cadets know the importance of keeping their commitments to fly and reading the syllabus applicable for their flight. Please convey to parents the importance of dropping off and picking up their cadets on time.

2.      For Pilots - Query your cadets to see it they have read the syllabus applicable for their flight and adjust your approach accordingly.  Adhere to the hours specified for each syllabus. If you cancel, contact the cadets or parents in a timely manner.  Brief the cadets about "Sterile Cockpit" rules during taxi, takeoff and landing and remind them to keep their feet on the floor during those phases and to move their seats aft to allow more room if needed. Qualified CAP Pilots should dedicate one day a month to conduct orientation flights.

3.      For Cadets - Please read the syllabus applicable to your flight before you get to the airport so you will know what to bring and what you will be doing during your flight.  When you sign up for an Orientation Ride, make sure you honor your commitment, be on time, properly dressed in uniform, with your CAP ID card and list of items from the syllabus (water, sunglasses, camera, etc.). If you must cancel, let your pilot or commander know ASAP so another cadet might take your place.

4.      Orientation Rallies – Monthly Orientation Rallies are highly recommended in order to maximize flights. Schedule Cadet rallies in a similar manner as ES training weekends so that Pilots, Parents and Cadets can plan accordingly. Rallies should be dedicated to Cadets and not conduct in conjunctions with other training. A dedicated operations staff should be present and control the activities. Operations staff should include AOBD, MSO and/or FRO. An onsite operations staff will be able to quickly make adjustment in WMIRS, complete releases and answer questions from both Cadets and Parents.

5.      Ferry Flights - The cost of "ferry flights" comes out of the same funds that pay for the orientation rides so we try to keep them to a minimum to allow more funds for actual cadet flying.  For this reason, we require a minimum number of cadet rides when an aircraft is flown to another airport to fly cadets.


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