Colorado Wing
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Maj Gen John F. Curry Salute

December 2, 2023, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (America/Denver)

Major Trevor Munson ( )
Fort Logan National Cemetary, Shelter A

Date: 2 Dec 2023 (rain, snow, cold, or shine)

Time: Sign in at 1000 hrs and the Ceremony begins 1015 hrs.

Place:  Ft Logan National Cemetery--Shelter A

Cap's First National Commander, Maj Gen John F. Curry is buried at Ft Logan National Cemetery in Denver.  CAP was first organized 1 Dec 1941.

This will be a one-hour ceremony consisting of presentation of honored guests, Gen Curry's biography, and graveside salute by cadets and seniors.  We will dismiss no later than 1130 hrs.

LOCATION:  Ft Logan National Cemetery.  Follow I25 to exit, Hampden Ave (Highway 285).  Turn left (south) on Sheridan Boulevard.  Cemetery is located two blocks south of Hampden Ave. on the left (east) side of Sheridan Boulevard.  We will meet at Shelter A.

UNIFORM:  Members may wear the Air Force Dress Blues, ABUs, or the appropriate corporate equivalent.  Dress appropriately for the weather.  Plan on being in the weather for up to 90 minutes.  Overshoes, overcoats, gloves, and other wear is acceptable.

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