Colorado Wing
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TLC - Basic

January 21, 2023, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (America/Denver)

1st Lt. Anya Myers ( )
Peterson AFB :: Hangar 140--upstairs classroom
The Colorado Wing and Pikes Peak Composite Squadron will host an in-person Training Leaders of Cadets (TLC) Basic Course at Peterson Space Force Base in Colorado Springs on Saturday, 21 January 2023.  TLC-B is designed to prepare adult leaders to contribute as Cadet Programs Officers on a squadron staff, and is targeted toward 1) new adult volunteers, 2) adult volunteers serving in positions below squadron deputy commander, and 3) veteran cadet programms officers seeking refresher training.  TLC-B is also required training to achieve the Cadet Programs Specialty Track Technician Rating.  In-person training is significantly enhanced by having a wide cross-section of experience and perspectives, and having multiple squadrons represented makes the course even better.  Please join us!

When: Saturday, 21 January 2023
Time:  8:15 am - 4:30 pm
Where:  Upstairs classroom, Hangar 140, 425 Hamilton Ave, Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado 80914
Lunch: $10 "landing fee" for breakfast snacks/lunch order

We will have coffee ready at 8:00 am for signing in and getting to know each other.

Please, make sure to take the online portion of the TLC Basic course before arriving for the in-person classes.  The 3-module online portion can be found in eServices using the following path:
See eServices > Online Learning > Learning Management System > Cadet Programs > TLC Basic Course

Additional information about TLC-B can be found in the following link:

Please use the following sign-up link to register for the course no later than Tuesday, 17 January:

If you require additional information, please contact the course director, 1st Lt Anya Myers (

We look forward to hosting you at Peterson Space Force Base to learn and network!

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