Cadet Competition
2023 Cadet Competition
Leadership: COWG Cadet Competition Director is 2nd Lt Kyle Stielow
Date: 1 April 2023
Time: 0700-1900 ** time will be modified once team registrations are closed.
Location: Colorado Military Academy 360 Command View, Colorado Springs, CO 80915
Team Registration: REGISTER HERE Registration closes 10 March at 2000 hours Local
Volunteer Registration: REGISTER HERE
Payment: $160 per team.
Payment due: 10 March 2023
Payment method: Details being worked out.
Uniform: Cadets will be in the "blues" uniform, Short - sleeved, open collar. Cadets should plan to change into PT uniform for the end of the day.
SM's and CAP volunteers are requested to wear "blues" or white aviator shirt.